Ifc And Syngenta Acara For Retailers In East Java Now Set To Expand Nationwide

Media Conference Syngenta PartnerGrow Academy in Jakarta, August 16, 2018 (KalderaNews/IFC)
JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com - IFC, a member of the World Bank Group and PT Syngenta Indonesia (Sygenta) today said their joint training academy for agribusiness retailers has benefitted more than 21,000 farmers in Bojonegoro, Lamongan, Gresik and Tuban, East Java.

The Syngenta PartnerGrow Academy, which aimed to improve business management and advisory skills of retailers dealing with farmers in East Java, is now set to expand nationwide.

“This pilot acara was successful in helping retailers improve their business management practices, and in helping the retailers deliver the right advice to their customers,” said Parveen Kathuria, President Director, Syngenta Indonesia in Jakarta, August 16, 2018. “We are now looking at expanding this across the country.”

Launched in May 2018, the Syngenta PartnerGrow Academy which provided small-business management pelatihan on topics like customer relations, sales and problem solving, proved useful to farmers, according to IFC surveys of farmers, who had been served by the participating retailers. 

Eighty-three percent of farmers surveyed said they experienced a higher level of service from their retailers, while 63-percent said that they have embraced new farming practices as a result of the improved retailer services. “Our survey of farmers’ perceptions showed that the participating retailers were able to better serve their customers and provided advice by using a consultative selling approach.” said Ernest E. Bethe III, Principal Operations Officer of IFC.

IFC said on Thursday to KalderaNews that the survey also showed that 77-percent of retailers improved their own business management practices, particularly in better problem-solving and servicing their customers. 

The Syngenta PartnerGrow Academy’s curriculum includes financial management and business strategy pembinaan, in line with Syngenta’s strategy to actively reach out to its retailer base and farmer customers. The acara was supported by the government of Canada. (JS).

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